多年以来,支撑中国传统文化的儒家教化体系,在道德价值上是不主张非正义告发的,但只要有专制政治存在,统治者就鼓励告密。整个封建王朝,从秦到清,告密始终贯穿其中,成为帝制历史的一个带有污垢的眉批,而告密者就是那块污垢。这块污垢面积之大.数量之多,实超乎我们想象。它不仅介入你的私生活,而且还要控制你的灵魂。中国古代的告密史就是一部统治者控制他人灵魂的历史。而各个时代的告密者们,各显其能,通过告密这种见不得人的伎俩,改变历史者有之,遗臭万年者有之,飞黄腾达者有之,他们或成功或失败,或可气或可悲,无非都是专制统治下的一枚棋子。Before He Takes (A Mackenzie White Mystery—Book 4)
From Blake Pierce, bestselling author of ONCE GONE (a #1 bestseller with over 800 five star reviews), comes book #4 in the heart-pounding Mackenzie White mystery series.In BEFORE HE TAKES (A Mackenzie White Mystery—Book 4), newly minted FBI agent Mackenzie White is ordered to take on a new and disturbing case. Women are going missing in rural Iowa, and a pattern is emerging. It is feared a serial killer is on a rampage, his pace increasing. Given her Midwestern roots, Mackenzie is chosen as the perfect fit.