文案一:纵横吃鸡届无敌的陆成蹊遇到一个变态,“男人”闷骚低音炮,扛着98k,炸一次来一次炸一次。直到某天校级辩论赛上,江璟言站在对方二辩席,皱着女生特有的好看的眉怼他。针锋相对,乐此不疲折腾彼此到你死我活。陆成蹊却突然喊停。你我都是毒瘤,要不要试着在一起为民除害?江瑾言怂了。 文案二:江瑾言在机场被晾一天也没等来公司口里反复强调十二分重要的高级顾问陆先生。直到两人在例行晨会撞见。 陆成蹊皱眉站在走廊里斜睨她,眼里满是不快,“季腾什么时候这么没品味了?”她微笑。 后来。他把人堵家门口说:“我这人就是没品位,也想一直没品位下去。” 爱情最好的状态从来是两军对垒,势均力敌。
《冰鉴》以冰为鉴、明察秋毫,以神为鉴、相骨 识人。办事不外用人,用人必先识人,识人必先观 人。古今中外在观人、识人、用人方面可以说是有成 有败,为使大家在观人、识人、用人方面不受任何影 响,特编辑了此书。本书通过对人体的神骨、情态、 刚柔、容貌、须眉、气色、声音这七个部位的论述, 以达到正确观人、识人、用人的目的。在这里我们不 谈论观人、识人、用人的大道理,只希望大家在观 人、识人、用人方面能够获得厚益。Mezzanine
In his startling, witty, and inexhaustibly inventive first novelfirst published in 1986 and now reissued as a Grove Press paperbackthe author of Vox and The Fermata uses a one-story escalator ride as the occasion for a dazzling reappraisal of everyday objects and rituals. From the humble milk carton to the act of tying one's shoes, The Mezzanine at once defamiliarizes the familiar world and endows it with loopy and euphoric poetry. Nicholson Baker's accounts of the ordinary become extraordinary through his sharp storytelling and his unconventional, conversational style. At first glance, The Mezzanine appears to be a book about nothing. In reality, it is a brilliant celebration of things, simultaneously demonstrating the value of reflection and the importance of everyday human human experiences.