她,泥底重生,使出浑身解数,勾魂夺魄;他,坐于轮椅之上,却杀伐决断,俯瞰蝼蚁;他们,从主仆之别,宠物之戏,到相伴相扶,情入骨髓。她如履薄冰的小心经营,只因想和他站在同一片天空下,看粉红蛇蝎一样的重生女如何摆平傲娇偏执病夫!Like Pickle Juice on a Cookie
I had a bad August. A very bad August. As bad as pickle juice on a cookie. Eleanor's beloved babysitter, Bibi, is moving away. Suddenly, the things she used to enjoy aren't fun anymore —everything reminds her of Bibi. To make matters worse, Eleanor has a new babysitter, who just isn't the same. But as the new school year looms ahead, so do new beginnings. And Eleanor is about to learn some special things about herself, friendship, and the bittersweet process of growing up.