The Storyteller
Anna and Abel couldn't be more different. They are both seventeen and in their last year of school, but while Anna lives in a nice old town house and comes from a well-to-do family, Abel, the school drug dealer, lives in a big, prisonlike tower block at the edge of town. Anna is afraid of him until she realizes that he is caring for his six-year-old sister on his own. Fascinated, Anna follows the two and listens as Abel tells little Micha the story of a tiny queen assailed by dark forces. It's a beautiful fairy tale that Anna comes to see has a basis in reality. Abel is in real danger of losing Micha to their abusive father and to his own inability to make ends meet.寻宝大冒险(科学大探险)
“顾楠大大,沫沫迷路了!。”“我接。”顾楠在众多双眼神的注视下,放弃了许多人都不能上台领奖的机会。“顾楠大大,沫沫被……被……校长女儿欺负了!!”“换校长。”不冷不淡的声音从顾楠薄唇里发出,却让人不寒而栗。“顾楠大大,沫沫说你不喜欢她……”“安排。”顾楠漆黑的眸子深不见底,嘴角却上扬起一抹神秘的微笑。传闻,校草大人是同性恋?!传闻,校草大人一米以内,女生不得近身?传闻,校草大人是安华市的第一大家族!然而叶沫沫表示这是哪个小道消息,一、点、都、不、靠、谱、好、不!开学第一天,她就“吧唧”吻上了这个校草大人,没想到传说中的校草大人从此带她过上了虐死天下单身狗的日常。 新书《嫡女本色:殿下,太诱人》,欢迎品尝!教你学露营(学生室内外运动学习手册)