现代人已经有了相当大的改变自然环境的能力,但在享受科技进步营造的舒适生活环境时,并没有及时意识到付出的生态代价,结果是人类被迫面对日趋严重的环境污染和地球生态危机。人与自然环境之间应该是怎样一种关系?人类能把自然看作自己的附属品吗?The Charleston Academy of Domestic Pursuits
Nestled deep in the South is a tiny Academy that teaches classes in the most important subject in the world: the domestic arts. The Academy's unique curriculum includes everything from cocktail-party etiquette to business entertaining, dealing with household guests, and cooking for the holidays. Here, after a little gentle instruction from Deans Pollak and Manigault, interspersed with plenty of humor, students find they are living healthier, having stronger ties to friends and family, and using their houses to branch out in ways they never dreamed possible. Since not everyone can get to their sold-out classes in Charleston, the Deans are now offering this book so happier living can be within everyone's grasp, not just the select few.