康妮嫁给贵族查泰莱为妻,但不久他便在战争中负伤,腰部以下终生瘫痪。在老家,二人的生活虽无忧无虑,却死气沉沉,直到庄园的猎场看守重新燃起康妮的爱情之火及其对生活的渴望。《查泰莱夫人的情人》是英国小说最有争议的作品之一,长期遭禁,二十世纪六十年代英国宣布开禁后,小说一度洛阳纸贵,长期高踞畅销书排行榜并长销至今。Harold Pinter Plays 2
The second volume of Harold Pinter's collected work includes The wkkk.net CaretakerIt was with this play that Harold Pinter had his first major success. The obsessive caretaker, Davies, is a classic comic creation, and his uneasy relationship with the enigmatic Aston and Mick a landmark in twentieth-century drama.'The play remains a masterpiece.' Daily Telegraph The Collection This one-act play for television explores the sexual manoeuvres between two couples in the clothing trade. 'Taps the adrenal flow of contemporary guilt and anxiety.' Time The Lover Richard and Sarah conduct themselves with apparent respectability in the mornings, whilst living out a sequence of erotic rituals in the afternoons. 'Beautifully written... the sexiest play I remember seeing on the television.' Sunday Times The volume also includes Night School and The Dwarfs, plus five revue sketches written during the same period.