弹奏一首动听的乐曲,需要训练;写得一手好字,需要训练;说得一口流利的外语,需要训练;成为一个优秀的职业运动员,需要训练……提高我们的学习力,同样需要训练。学习力就是能帮助一个人更快更好学习一切的能力。通过不断地学习和训练,学习力是可以提高的。那么,杰出青少年的学习能力是怎样进行调练,让自己走向卓越呢?相信大家在《杰出青少年的学习力训练》中能够找到答案。A Topps League Story
Umpire Solomon Johnson is squeezing the strike zone and throws out both the Pine City Porcupines starting pitcher and manager "Grumps" Humphrey for arguing the call. Chad tries to make peace by giving Solomon a rarely issued "umpire card"—but the ump blows his top. He thinks Chad is making fun of his weight. It's going to be a long nine innings!