本书是人物传记故事,生动地记述了丹麦童话作家安徒生具有传奇色彩的一生。安徒生是个穷鞋匠的儿子,他冲破社会的重重阻力,凭借坚强的意志、强烈的求知欲,通过艰苦的奋斗,最终从普普通通的“丑小鸭”成长为一名世界著名的童话作家。他用笔为人们奉献了一个又一个脍炙人口的经典童话故事。When Love Comes
When beautiful, glamorous fashion buyer Janis Morton goes on a cruise, she's looking forward to sun, fun, and a little harmless flirtation. And when she meets Clive Trent, the gorgeous son of a well-known French fashion designer, she's sure she's found what she's looking for.So is Trent--but he's looking for something entirely different. To escape an arranged marriage, Clive has a plan: marry the first girl he meets on the cruise. Will Janis go along with his wild scheme--without losing her heart in the process?