清朝的历史,黑暗与光明,专制与开拓,偏狭与雄壮,相依相存,是最让人迷惘、最令人感觉时空混乱的历史。纵观近三百年的清王朝,清朝上层统治者,长驱入关,四向开疆,革弊鼎新,精心运筹;屠杀百姓,施行苛政,吏治腐败,故步自封。特别是努尔哈赤、皇太极、顺治、康熙、雍正、乾隆,他们构造的“多民族共同体”宏大疆域格局,独辟蹊径的“汉化”设计,雄才大略的“大一统”功绩,无比清晰的政治统治术……在千万平方公里的境域内,成功建立独特的政治新秩序。他们带给世界的,不仅仅是鲜血和叹息,也有史诗般辉煌的荣耀和新思维!Paper Men
With an introduction by Andrew Martin Fame, success, fortune, a drink problem slipping over the edge into alcoholism, a dead marriage, the incurable itches of middle-aged lust. For Wilfred Barclay, novelist, the final unbearable irritation is Professor Rick L. Tucker, implacable in his determination to become The Barclay Man. Locked in a lethal relationship they stumble across Europe, shedding wives, self-respect and illusions. The climax of their odyssey, when it comes, is as inevitable as it is unexpected. "e;Rich as a compost heap...It moves you and at times it can shake you"e;. (Melvyn Bragg). "e;A complex literary comedy from an extraordinarily powerful writer, which holds us right through to the end"e;. (Malcolm Bradbury).满分测试大闯关(中小学生奥林匹克集训与选拔)