Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter
'A comic novel on the grand scale written with tremendous confidence and verve. Mario, 18-year-old law student and radio news-editor, falls scandalously for his Aunt Julia, the 32-year-old divorced wife of a cousin, and the progressively lunatic story of this affair is interwoven with episodes from a series of radio soap-operas written by his friend Pedro Comacho. Vargas Llosa's huge energy and inventiveness is extravagant and fabulously funny.'The Tender Years
Christine and Luke have been friends since childhood. They grew up together, and Christine has never seen Luke as anything but a friend.But Luke is handsome, passionate, and insistent--and when he volunteers as her protector when she takes a trip, it's clear he wants something more. Can Christine see Luke as more than a close friend from her childhood?向负面情绪说不(套装共3册)
成功,因宽容和积极而充满机遇;失败,因抱怨和消极而困难重重。优秀的人,都是不抱怨的人。心若改变,情绪就会改变;情绪变了,行为就会变:行为变了,习惯就会变;习惯变了,性格跟着变。性格决定命运,情绪左右人生。人的一生,最大的陷阱并不是缺少机会,或是资历浅薄,而是缺乏对自己情绪的控制。如果你想掌控自己的命运,请先掌控自己的情绪!本书包含:《不抱怨 不生气 不失控》 《不浮躁 不纠结 不焦虑》 《 不计较 不折腾 不盲从》。