富的品质、富的欲望、富的理由……认识富有,把握富有,创造富有,驾驭富有。富有的人们都一样,有着卓越的胆识和实践的勇气,而贫穷的人每天只能望着别人的富足而催眠自已。其实,真正从梦想到现实。只是思维上的一小步距离。Peter Nimble and His Fantastic Eyes
From the New York Times bestselling author of The Night Gardener, Peter Nimble and His Fantastic Eyes is the utterly beguiling tale of a ten-year-old blind orphan who has been schooled in a life of thievery. One fateful afternoon, he steals a box from a mysterious traveling haberdasher—a box that contains three pairs of magical eyes. When he tries the first pair, he is instantly transported to a hidden island where he is presented with a special quest: to travel to the dangerous Vanished Kingdom and rescue a people in need. Along with his loyal sidekick—a knight who has been turned into an unfortunate combination of horse and cat—and the magic eyes, he embarks on an unforgettable, swashbuckling adventure to discover his true destiny. Be sure to read the companion book, Sophie Quire and the Last Storyguard. Praise for Peter Nimble and His Fantastic Eyes "Auxier has a juggler's dexterity with prose that makes this fantastical tale quicken the senses."-Kirkus Reviews最神奇的24堂美容课
美容可以很有趣,变美可以很简单。2千万网友翘首以待,三大中文社区在线美容秘诀一册全收。十大美容编辑联合推荐,时尚美容最佳读本。 美丽人生,完美肌肤。不花钱的食物疗法和美容法,你还在等什么呢?萌淑女驾到之天鹅公主成人礼
"火星上的成人礼 舞会,是所有十六岁少女和十八岁少年走向成年的重大仪式,每年都会选出一位最潇洒的舞会王子和一 位最优雅美丽的舞会公主,得冠者将拥有毕生荣耀,而没有舞伴、无法参加盛大成人礼舞会的少女,将会被所有人嘲笑,成 为终生难以磨灭的奇耻大辱。而美希所在的天鹅城,女多男少, “多出来”的少数女孩,只能用机器人代替人类当舞会伴侣。但再美型的机 器人也无法替代有血有肉的真实人类, 势必在舞会上“低人一等”。假小子一样的美希,很不幸地成了 “多出来”的那个,她将如何面对这成人路上的第一个困境?而跟舞会有关的麻烦和秘密,还远远不止这些…… "