三年前,因他的一见钟情,她被亲生父亲亲手送上了他的床。他百般掠夺,如愿抱得美人归,一丝不苟地将她锁进了自己的金丝笼。身为S市的商业霸主,他每天最关心的事,不是如何拓展基业,而是她的穿着合不合标准,有没有和别的异性纠缠不清,不许露锁骨,不许露胳膊,不许穿膝盖以上的裙子,不许冲其他的异性笑,不许和他们单独相处……她忍无可忍,终于暴怒,“我错了还不行吗,求你放过我!”他勾唇一笑,俯身压住她,“放过你,谁来放过我?”No Man's Land
'The work of our best living playwright in its command of the language and its power to erect a coherent structure in a twilight zone of confusion and dismay.' The TimesDo Hirst and Spooner really know each other, or are they performing an elaborate charade? The ambiguity - and the comedy - intensify with the arrival of Briggs and Foster. All four inhabit a no-man's-land between time present and a time remembered, between reality and wkkk.net Man's Land was first presented at the National Theatre at the Old Vic, London, in 1975, revived at the Almeida Theatre, London, with Harold Pinter as Hirst and revived by the National Theatre, directed by Harold Pinter, in 2001.