镇里要来外国人!一天早上,孤都镇里突然冒出这么个惊人的消息。接着,如同伤寒杆菌爆发了一样,这个消息以迅雷不及掩耳之势席卷了整个镇子。每个受到传染的人都莫名其妙地激动,急不可耐地发烧,迫不及待地将病菌传染给下一个人。于是,镇子里的人像刚复活的苍蝇一样,没头没脑乱嗡嗡地飞来飞去,传递着“镇里要来外国人”的消息。于是,街道上、马路边、小巷里、大树下,甚至一些厕所的门口,常会出现这样的情景:两人见面后,神秘兮兮地对视一眼,其中一个以严肃的语气说:“知道吧?镇里要来外国人。”另一个人也必定神情严肃地点点头,说:“嗯,是要来外国人。”前一个肯定地说:“真的。是要来外国人。”后一个也符合着肯定说:“真的。是要来外国人。”然后,两人再对视一眼,分道扬镳,各自去找下一个目标。就这样,“镇里要来外国人”的消息不停地被人们不厌其烦地传播。早饭时,消息终于传入了书记和镇长的耳朵。是政府食堂的大师傅老孙告诉他们的。Arena 3 (Book #3 in the Survival Trilogy)
"Shades of THE HUNGER GAMES permeate a story centered around two courageous teens determined to buck all odds in an effort to regain their loved ones. A believable, involving world, recommended for those who enjoy dystopian novels, powerful female characters, and stories of uncommon courage." --Midwest Book Review, D. Donovan, eBook Reviewer (regarding Arena 1)ARENA 3 is book #3 in the Bestselling Survival Trilogy, which begins with ARENA 1, a free download.After nearly freezing to death on their trek north, Brooke and her small group wake to find themselves in civilization. They have found the utopian city, hidden deep in a remote stretch of Canada. They have heat, food, comfortable beds, clean clothes, and security. Finally, they have made it.As Brooke recovers, she meets the mysterious survivors who inhabit this city, and who vie for her love. She trains again, enhancing her fighting skills greatly under the wing of a new mentor, and matures into a woman.