《尤利西斯》以洋洋近26.5万单词(英文)之巨的篇幅记录了广告推销商利奥波德·布卢姆1904年6月16日一昼夜在都柏林的经历,用翔实、细腻的笔触再现这个匈裔犹太人的生存状况和孤寂、彷徨的意识活动,兼及其妻摩莉寻欢作乐、年轻学生斯蒂芬·迪达勒斯找寻精神之父等情节,真实生动地描绘出一幅世纪之交青年人苦闷、绝望的现实图景。小说在布局上有意与荷马史诗《奥德赛》各卷相对应,既使全书的结构达到空前完美的境地,同时又鲜明地突出了旨在体现人类苦难的命意:主人公布卢姆一天中在都柏林的游荡与尤利西斯(奥德修斯的拉丁语名称)在海上的10年漂泊相映衬,深刻地揭示了现代社会的腐朽没落和个人的渺小与悲哀。Egyptian Journal
This is a first-hand journal about the Goldings' travels through Egypt, soon after winning the Nobel Prize, living on a motor cruiser on the Nile. Nothing went quite as planned, but William Golding's vivid and honest account of what actually happened, and of what he saw and felt about ancient Egypt and the exasperations of the living present, will delight his innumerable admirers and everyone who visits Egypt. "e;One of the funniest anti-travel books I have ever read"e;. (Daily Telegraph). "e;No previous book brings you so close to Golding the man. It bulges with abstruse knowledge ...and is often screamingly funny…Hugely enjoyable"e;. (The Times).