丁鹏凭“天外流星”剑扬名江湖,怎知被柳若松设计骗去剑谱,败于柳若松手下,并被冤枉盗窃武功。丁鹏侥幸逃命,被“狐女”青青所救,进入狐的世界,又习得青青祖父的魔刀刀法。丁鹏与青青回到人的世界,不仅大败柳若松,还设计使他的无耻嘴脸败露,柳若松而后拜丁鹏为师。丁鹏的刀法已入化境,决定前往神剑山庄挑战谢晓峰。而他也暗中发现,青青他们根本不是什么狐,而是多年前江湖人惧怕的魔教。从此,他卷入了魔教、神剑山庄、名门正派三者的争斗中去。柳若松则在暗中进行着他的阴谋……Sergeant Lamb's America
The first in a two-book series, Sergeant Lamb's America tells the story Sergeant Roger Lamb, an Irish soldier who served on the British side during the American War of Independence. Based on real historical events and people, Sergeant Lamb recounts the British defeat and the capture of his unit at the Battle of Saratoga in a voice that's both funny, insightful, and wise.This fictionalized account is based on the journals of the historical Sergeant Roger Lamb, and is largely faithful to the true eyewitness account of the American Revolution told from the loser's perspective. With his engaging, personable voice and basic decency of character, Sergeant Lamb reminds us that regardless of how history casts the British side, there were good men on both sides of this important conflict.撩神快穿,大佬我错了