主角设定:穿越前为矿大篮球队皇牌球员,自幼练习太极拳,剑,枪。后经过锻炼,基本与与魏延,张辽同级,略逊于巅峰关羽,张飞,赵云;高于马岱,文聘。大局观比较擅长,但不至于算无遗策,更多是有神来之笔,奇思妙想。文采:身为穿越者,语文不太差。本文适度YY,不太过火。自己争霸雄心万丈太累,当诸葛亮劳心劳力也太累。与其如此,还不如当个儒将,没事就喝喝酒,写写诗。打仗?打得过就打,打不过就阴,迟早叫你喝我的洗脚水。曹操:“原来如此!此天亡我也,非战之罪。”关羽:“有你在,我岂敢称武圣!”张飞:“好酒量!”刘备:“我一生识人无数,却看不透你,幸好我们不是敌人。”孙权:“没想到我江东是败在你的手里。”The Love Affairs Of A Bibliomaniac
A New York Times BestsellerWinner of the 2014 Kirkus PrizeWinner of the 2014 New England Book Award for FictionA Finalist for the National Book Critics Circle AwardA Best Book of the Year for:New York Times Book Review, Time, NPR, Washington Post, Entertainment Weekly, Newsday, Vogue, New York Magazine, Seattle Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Wall Street Journal, Boston Globe, The Guardian, Kirkus Reviews, Amazon, Publishers Weekly, Our Man in Boston, wkkk.net, SalonEuphoria is Lily King's nationally bestselling breakout novel of three young, gifted anthropologists of the '30's caught in a passionate love triangle that threatens their bonds, their careers, and, ultimately, their lives. Inspired by events in the life of revolutionary anthropologist Margaret Mead, Euphoria is "dazzling … suspenseful … brilliant…an exhilarating novel." Boston Globe