2012年8月7日在保罗·曼克尔被捕前,大众对他有着各式各样的猜测。因为他用的是“开膛手杰克”的作案方式,人们普遍以为他是一个高大强壮的凶悍男子。然而,当爱德华押着他走出他躲藏的旅馆房间时,媒体哗然。他矮小单薄,个头只有一米六零,目光猥琐,抬起眼睛看人时,总会让人想到胆小的老鼠,想忍不住扇他一巴掌。然而,就是他,延续了“开膛手杰克”的残酷手法,连续杀害了四名个子都比他高的女性。今天,在探访室里,坐在爱德华和邓肯面前,保罗·曼克尔虽然长了一些皱纹,却还是和以前一样猥琐。Old Friends
Ninety-year-old Lou quit school after the eighth grade, worked for the rest of his life, and stayed with the same woman for nearly seventy years. Seventy-two-year-old Joe was chief probation officer in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, holds a law degree, and has faced the death of a son and the raising of a mentally challenged daughter. Now, the two men are roommates in a nursing home. Despite coming from very different backgrounds, the two become close friends.With an exacting eye for detail, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Tracy Kidder examines end-of-life sorrows, joys, and unexpected surprises with poetry and compassion. Struggling to find meaning in the face of mortality, Joe and Lou experience the challenges that come with aging—with a grace and dignity that's sure to inspire.