【爱情,无关早晚,只是在对的时间,遇见对的人】他是燕国不朽神话,是全国名媛争相想嫁的如意郎君,面对女人,他嗤之以鼻。她,一朝惨死,得以重生,茫茫人海,遇见了那个风吹桃花开的人。于他而言,女人是善变寡情的标志,却在遇见她后,念念不忘。幻想中,君心不改,桃花相伴,而现实,总是有那么几个不长眼睛的,惦记自己的娘子。于她而言,男人背信忘义,为了荣华富贵,弃情绝爱,伤天害理。当他们相遇,一张情网,铺天而来,躲过,逃过,却忘不掉那一声声温柔的呵护,“不怕,一切有我。”京城初见,他设计巧遇,夺初吻,夜护佳人,上演攻心为上。“姑娘何必拒人千里之外,说不定,你我能上演一出旷世奇恋呢。”是夜,他‘慌不择路,’闯入香闺,而她,美人出浴。他咽着口水,两眼放光,“肤如凝脂人如玉。”下一秒,某男被人丢出闺阁,惨遭群殴……Water in May
Fifteen-year-old Mari Pujols believes that the baby she's carrying will finally mean she' ll have a family member who will love her deeply and won't ever leave her—not like her mama, who took off when she was eight; or her papi, who's in jail; or her abuela, who wants as little to do with her as possible. But when doctors discover a potentially fatal heart defect in the fetus, Mari faces choices she never could have imagined. Surrounded by her loyal girl crew, her off-and-on boyfriend, and a dedicated doctor, Mari navigates a decision that could emotionally cripple the bravest of women. But both Mari and the broken-hearted baby inside her are fighters; and it doesn't take long to discover that this sick baby has the strength to heal an entire family. Inspired by true events, this gorgeous debut has been called “heartfelt, heartbreaking and—yes!—even a little heart-healing, too by bestselling YA novelist Carolyn Mackler.