本书是南京大屠杀幸存者口述历史纪实作品。本书通过为数不多至今健在的幸存者的证言、大量详实、缜密的历史档案资料,详实地还原了南京大屠杀前后南京市民的生活场景与人生故事,用完整详实的细节揭露了日军侵略暴行给中国人民带来的深重灾难。与此前的种种大屠杀幸存者口述不同的是,此次口述资料的收集、整理、汇编由侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆与南京大学历史学院共同主持,每一位口述者的经历讲述均由专家审读,并核准相关史实细节。幸存者的口述从大屠杀前的平静生活开始讲起,直至大屠杀过后多年,更为完整、详实、准确地反映了南京大屠杀给亲历者一生造成的无法逆转的巨大心灵伤痛。习近平同志在《在南京大屠杀死难者国家公祭仪式上的讲话》中指出,我们铭记历史,是为了向世人宣告“昭昭前事,惕惕后人,永矢弗谖,祈愿和平”的心愿。我们今天记录历史,记录下大屠杀幸存者最后的证言,是为了记录生命,传递和平,坚守正义,守望明天!Homer's Daughter
In this innovative re-imagining of the Odyssey’s history, Sicilian princess Nausicaa recounts her story, and how she, not the poet Homer, came to write the Odyssey. Set in the eighth century B.C., it recounts the story of a determined young woman who lives an adventurous life: rescuing her father's throne from outside threats, freeing herself from an abusive marriage, and saving her two younger brothers from certain death. Nausicaa is a passionate, religious, and dynamic heroine who is more than a match for the heroes in the epic poem she claims to have authored.