Egyptian Journal
This is a first-hand journal about the Goldings' travels through Egypt, soon after winning the Nobel Prize, living on a motor cruiser on the Nile. Nothing went quite as planned, but William Golding's vivid and honest account of what actually happened, and of what he saw and felt about ancient Egypt and the exasperations of the living present, will delight his innumerable admirers and everyone who visits Egypt. "e;One of the funniest anti-travel books I have ever read"e;. (Daily Telegraph). "e;No previous book brings you so close to Golding the man. It bulges with abstruse knowledge ...and is often screamingly funny…Hugely enjoyable"e;. (The Times).九败一胜:美团创始人王兴创业十年
所有的创业者都面临着很多问题,困惑不是个人的,是有共性的。除了自身去摸索着石头走路,他们还可以通过学习,从那些在创业路上走得更远的创业者身上学到经验、教训。这本书的主角——王兴,恰好就是一个很好的学习对象。出生于1979年的王兴,很早就创业了,2004他就开始和同学一块创业,2005年做出了校内网;2007年,他又做出了饭否网——这是中国最早的类似twitter的网站。2010年,他又做出了美团网。校内网、饭否网在王兴的创业路上都留下了遗憾,没有获得圆满的结局。在美团诞生的三年里,王兴完成了巨大的蜕变,从极客、产品经理到优秀的CEO、企业家。我试图在这本书里,寻找到王兴蜕变的原因。Washington and his Comrades in Arms