这本书是青年学者、百家讲坛最年轻主讲人魏新的第一本文集。第一部分主要讲古代的各种事,有帝王将相的得失,也有才子佳人的爱恨。第二部分是一些神怪笔记,风趣幽默,又对今人有所启示。第三部分是作者对文化现象的追忆和对往事的回忆。第四部分是对社会现象的评判。总的来说,这本书是一个怪咖作者的黑色幽默,如果你是重口味读者,不可错过这本让人捧腹大笑的“恶趣味”合集。American Quartet
Detective Fiona Fitzgerald is an unlikely force for justice in Washington, D.C.'s predominantly male police force. As a Senator's daughter and top investigator in the homicide division of the Metropolitan Police Department, Fiona maneuvers between two vastly different worlds, moving quickly from opulent State galas to gritty crime scenes. Born into the elite social circles of the nation's capital, and armed with intimate knowledge of the true face of the political establishment, Fiona is determined to expose the chicanery concealed within the highest echelons of the American political aristocracy.When a string of inexplicable murders rocks the hallowed streets of central D.C., Fiona finds herself charging through the shadows of a mysterious conspiracy. Faced with an investigation with no leads and a rising body count, Fiona's reputation as a top investigator is called into question.