她,家里的小公主,却只钟情于他;他,国际影帝,L国金融主宰,人前花花公子,直到遇见了她,她是他最美丽的遇见与救赎。遇到他之前,她天真烂漫,无忧无虑;遇到他之后,她的世界都是他。遇到她之前,他性情冷淡,手段果决,不知情为何物;遇到她之后,他拼尽全力去宠她。经年后,节目主持人问楚风御:“请楚先生用一句话来形容你与楚太太的爱情。”楚风御:“她予我爱与温暖,我回她爱与守护。”本以为是日久生情,殊不知一见就已钟情。她用她的真诚之心打动他,他用他的余生来守护她。【男女主身心干净,甜宠,结局1V1】Kinetic Golf
In Kinetic Golf, Nick Bradley uses 115 extraordinary photographs, accompanied by clear, direct text, to raise the bar on golf instruction and give golfers—amateur or professional—a unique way of actually feeling their way to mastering the game. Offering insights that words alone cannot convey, the book provides a vastly improved golf game as the reward. Drawing upon his deep knowledge of trade and Tour secrets, Bradley shows how to build a powerful and consistent game while also debunking many of the myths that cloud the confidence and hinder the performance of the novice and developing golfer. Throughout Kinetic Golf, Bradley boils down the very essence of swing motion and technique, blends it with a feeling, and then creates an image that says it all. Take one look, and you'll get the picture.