茅盾的散文反映时代,同时也超越时代,他的早期散文大多篇幅短小,通过一个个小小的生活剪影象征时代的苦闷。他用文字对社会生活进行素描写生,对生活的体察细致入微。在他笔下,富于时代特征的社会生活场景丰富多样,跃然纸上。《沙滩上的脚迹——茅盾散文》收录了茅盾的经典散文力作,既有战争年代的时代感怀,也有对自然风光的赞美,还有对人事的追忆,以及对生活、对文学的思考,有助于读者较为全面地了解茅盾的艺术风格、写作特色。The Siege
Ismail Kadare's The Siege dramatizes a relentless fictional assault on a Christian fortress in the Albanian mountains by the Ottoman Army in the fifteenth century. As the bloody and psychologically crushing struggle for control over the citadel unfolds, Kadare's newest work opens a window onto the eternal clash between religions and empires as well as the exhilaration, despair, and immediacy of the wkkk.net is a hugely respected novelist and a hero to his people, as well as an outspoken critic of all forms of totalitarianism. The Siege is a powerfully atmospheric … and vividly rendered (The Telegraph) novel of considerable cumulative power and resonance for our own times.20几岁学点交际学(每天学一点时尚阅读书系列)