《乞儿流浪记》讲述一群底层劳动者混乱不堪的氓流生活。小说从一场地震灾难开始,一个长着尾巴的女婴出世,这个长尾巴被命名为鬈毛的女婴,她无疑是苦难生活的全部聚集,她的存在无疑是折射出生活最丑恶的那些面目和本质。来福并不是一个贯穿全书的人物,但他与鬈毛一度相依为命,使髦毛的生活还透示出些许温情。随后是一批鲁蛮险恶质朴粗鄙家伙相继登场:阿旦、赵和尚、王老屁、蔫耗子、黑杠头、国香……这些人组成一个浩浩荡荡的流氓无产者的队伍,用今天的话来说,就是一个十足的“弱势群体”。作者用语言的华丽外衣去包裹丑陋的身体,把高浓度的文学性品质挤进弱势群体,挤进中国本土原生态的生活,把底层“弱势群体”的生活状态描写到极致。Rhymes with Witches
From the author of the break-out hit ttyl, a dark and utterly readable take on the hierarchy of high school girls. There are Gossip Girls and Mean Girls but no one has come as close to the dark heart of high-school girl politics as Lauren Myracle does in this shivery smart, wonderfully strange story of a high school where popularity can be stolen. No one notices Jane—not the jocks, the stoners, the debaters, the drama geeks, the cheerleaders, and especially not the Bitches, the school royalty made up of one girl from each class who's so transcendently beautiful and fascinating that no one can help but worship her. Imagine Jane's surprise when the Bitches approach her to be their freshman member. She wants this kind of popularity more than anything, but when she discovers the sinister secret of the Bitches' power, she's forced to make the toughest choice of her life. This savagely funny book will be the talk of the season.二三十岁要懂的博弈论诡计