新文《速度快穿》已开,求收藏~海棠绑定快穿系统,在无数世界帮助痴男怨女,炮灰,女配,背锅侠,小可怜完成心愿~第一个世界:末世宠妻狂魔第二个世界:娱乐圈小白花……自打她成为实验体,怪事就时有发生,接连不断的怪事将她引到一个个光怪陆离的世界。探索宇宙的奥秘,异能、催眠师、人皮外衣、花之国度、梦幻岛、长寿人、吸血鬼、雾都、同生人、冰冻人、长舌妇,木乃伊……投食指南:1.这是披着现代异能外衣,经历各种诡异事件的玛丽苏文。2.男主前期失忆进到女主姐姐身体里,无脑偏心女主,后期更是偏心到胳肢窝里的各种神宠。3.作者傲娇星人,不喜勿进。排雷:本文男主出现的章节并不多,基本都是女主,喜欢看全篇男女主谈恋爱的慎入,这篇更多的是女主的各种冒险。Dr. Critchlore's School for Minions (#1)
Welcome to Dr. Critchlore's School for Minions, the premier trainer of minions for Evil Overlords everywhere. No student is prouder to be at Dr. Critchlore's than Runt Higgins, a twelve-year-old werewolf. (At least he thinks he's twelve. He was abandoned at the school as a baby, so he can't say for sure.) Runt loves everything about Dr. Critchlore's. He loves his classes—such as History of Henchmen and Introduction to Explosives. He loves his friends—such as Darthin the gargoyle and Syke the tree nymph. And he loves his foster family, who took him in when his wolf pack couldn't. But not everyone loves Dr. Critchlore's as much as Runt. After a series of disasters, each worse than the next, it's clear that someone is trying to shut the school down. It's up to Runt, who knows the place better than anybody, to figure out who's behind the attacks … and to save his home, and Dr. Critchlore himself, from total destruction.