随着社会文明的发展,生活节奏的加快,精神压力日益增大。我们更要关爱自己的身体,密切注意自己身体发出的各种疾病信号。肝脏病是常见病和多发病,尤其是乙型病毒性肝炎,在我国是高发区。据统计,我国无症状乙肝病毒携带者占人口总数的12%,每年急性病毒性肝炎发病人数为120万,现有慢性肝病患者是1200万,这是一组多么庞大而惊人的数字。为此我们编写了《肝的保健细节和养生》一书。本书从肝的基础常识,肝病的日常生活细节 ,肝的饮食养生和保健几个方面入手,让更多的人对肝有更加深入的了解,力求走进自然、贴进生活、科学实用。浑厚深沉的中国哲学(下)
哲学作为一门学科,是百年前现代学者以西方哲学为参照重树中国思想传统的一种学术建树,它致力于研究世界的本原和古今历史演变的规律,形成了自己独具民族特色的自然观、历史观、伦理观、认识论和方法论。The Council of Mirrors (Sisters Grimm #9)
In the final volume in the Sisters Grimm series, Sabrina, Daphne, and the rest of the Grimms and their friends must face off against the Master to decide the fate of Ferryport Landing—and the world. When Mirror fails to escape the barrier using Granny Relda's body, he turns to his plan B: killing all the Grimms so that the magical barrier collapses. In the meantime, Sabrina has gathered the other magic mirrors as advisors on how to deal with their mortal enemy. They tell her to join forces with the Scarlet Hand against Mirror, in exchange for offering all the citizens of Ferryport Landing their freedom. This final chapter is the end of the road for several beloved characters, but the conclusion is sure to satisfy devoted fans of the series.