学贯中西的季羡林先生的也是散文大家。他在70余年的时间里,笔耕不辍,写出了大量的优秀散文。这些散文,淳朴、隽永、评议、深邃,蕴含着深刻的人生哲理。本书精选季先生的62篇散文精品,都由季先生生前亲自选定。这些散文,无论咏物、忆旧,还是叙事、写景,均表现出了作者观察事物、认识世事的独特眼光和深刻思想,抒发了作者的真情实感,给人以深刻启迪。A Trace of Death (a Keri Locke Mystery--Book #1)
"A dynamic story line that grips from the first chapter and doesn't let go."--Midwest Book Review, Diane Donovan (regarding Once Gone)From #1 bestselling mystery author Blake Pierce comes a new masterpiece of psychological suspense.Keri Locke, Missing Persons Detective in the Homicide division of the LAPD, remains haunted by the abduction of her own daughter, years before, never found. Still obsessed with finding her, Keri buries her grief the only way she knows how: by throwing herself into the cases of missing persons in Los Angeles.A routine phone call from a worried mother of a high-schooler, only two hours missing, should be ignored. Yet something about the mother's voice strikes a chord, and Keri decides to investigate.爆笑囧穿:贪财小蛮女驾到