金斯艾伯特村里坐落着两座豪宅,“皇家围场”是其中之一,而居住其中的弗拉尔斯太太刚刚过世。此后不久,她的情人,也就是住在另一所大宅里的罗杰·艾克罗伊德先生便得知,弗拉尔斯太太一年前杀害了自己的丈夫,最终因愧疚而自杀。更重要的是,罗杰还发现她在死之前一直被一个神秘人敲诈。他展开她最后的来信,打算读出那个人的名字,可惜没有人听到。因为一把短剑插进了他的后颈……Done Dirt Cheap
Tourmaline Harris's life hit pause at fifteen, when her mom went to prison because of Tourmaline's unintentionally damning testimony. But at eighteen, her home life is stable, and she has a strong relationship with her father, the president of a local biker club known as the Wardens. Virginia Campbell's life hit fast-forward at fifteen, when her mom "sold" her into the services of Hazard, a powerful attorney: a man for whom the law is merely a suggestion. When Hazard sets his sights on dismantling the Wardens, he sends in Virginia, who has every intention of selling out the club—and Tourmaline. But the two girls are stronger than the circumstances that brought them together, and their resilience defines the friendship at the heart of this powerful debut novel.