每一本小说里总有那么一个恶毒无脑的反派女配来称托男女主人艰不拆可歌可泣的爱情故事,而纪蔓蔓就是其中一位,然而某一天,小世界出现了大bug,纪蔓蔓跳脱出了小说世界,幕后的主神大人为了补偿她,毅然决然的把逆袭反派女配的任务交给了她,从此以后,纪蔓蔓走上了迎娶白富美(男)逆袭人生的巅峰……啊呸!其实就是一位被主神坑了的小可怜抱着自家时不时犯蠢的系统战战兢兢完成任务顺便撩男神的故事~(ps:1V1双处,甜宠)For Now and Forever (The Inn at Sunset Harbor—Book
Emily Mitchell, 35, living and working in New York City, has struggled through a string of failed relationships. When her boyfriend of 7 years takes her out for their long-awaited anniversary dinner, Emily is sure that this time will be different, that this time she will finally get the ring.When he gives her a small bottle of perfume instead, Emily knows the time has come to break up with him—and for her entire life to have a fresh start.