只有回不去的过往 没有到不了的明天
你在人生路上一刻不停地策马向前,任由疲惫和苦难侵蚀你一遍又一遍,你的眼前弥漫着一层层云雾,茫然无措。 你仍然蕴藏着力量,你只是不知如何拥有平衡的生活。歇一歇脚,等待灵魂追赶你的身体,等待风景跟上你的眼睛。请允许作者抬起她的手,尽一份绵薄的力量,拨开你眼前的云雾。从此,你可以带着一双透彻的眼睛,细心探索生命路程上的一切美丽事物,并永葆好奇之心。作者只想介绍给你这样一种生活状态:脚踏实地地追求梦想,畅快淋漓地体验生活,平静安稳地感受幸福。Zodiac
Zodiac, the brilliant second novel from the New York Times bestselling author of the The Baroque Cycle and Snow Crash, is now available from Grove Press. Meet Sangamon Taylor, a New Age Sam Spade who sports a wet suit instead of a trench coat and prefers Jolt from the can to Scotch on the rocks. He knows about chemical sludge the way he knows about evilall too intimately. And the toxic trail he follows leads to some high and foul places. Before long Taylor's house is bombed, his every move followed, he's adopted by reservation Indians, moves onto the FBI's most wanted list, makes up with his girlfriend, and plays a starring role in the near-assassination of a presidential candidate. Closing the case with the aid of his burnout roommate, his tofu-eating comrades, three major networks, and a range of unconventional weaponry, Sangamon Taylor pulls off the most startling caper in Boston Harbor since the Tea Party.星际穿越:那些匪夷所思的宇宙常识