年薪50万元但要求是农历七月十四出生的男孩。<br/> 这个诡异的招聘信息轰动全城。<br/> 当林子健不顾女友的百般反对,成功应聘进入SHU公司,却意外地发现这家公司隐藏着种种不可告人的秘密。一个棺材般的黑木柜,五个镶着不同照片的骨灰盒,其中一个竟然挂着林子健的照片……<br/> 这是一家什么鬼公司?到处是杀戮和阴谋么?林子健感觉自己掉进黑暗陷阱,危机重重,一个个身份莫测的同事、一个个匪夷所思的事件相继登场,离奇招聘事件背后的真相又是什么呢?<br/> 暮光之下,林子健深知探索真相的凶险、恐怖,但他别无他路……<br/>
他是未婚夫的哥哥,却在未婚夫车祸后乘虚而入让她签下了卖身契。一纸契约,成为了这个坏蛋的女人,他不仅霸道的要得到她的人,还想得到她的心!可契约结束后他还是百般纠缠,甚至有各路情人上门示威又是闹哪样?人善被狗欺,当她苏欣芮是软柿子好捏吗?掌拍小三脚踢小四,终于耳根清净,那个坏男人又找上门来。Hunger and Thirst
Hunger and Thirst is Richard Matheson's first and until now previously unpublished novel, written fifty-plus years ago when Matheson was only twenty-three-years old. Matheson's agent told him it was unpublishable due to its length and so to that end, Matheson put the manuscript in a drawer and left for California where his writing career changed dramatically. The action in Hunger and Thirst centers around Erick, who lies paralyzed on his bed after being shot during a botched bank robbery. As he lies there, Erick contemplates the mess that his life has become and holds out hope to be saved.