《每天一个好寓言大全集》是一本奇特的书,它以日记的形式,把全书 分为365天,每天均有反映同一主题的寓言,包括《智慧寓言》《幸福寓言 》《亲情寓言》《友情寓言》《心态寓言》《爱的寓言》《成功寓言》《做 人寓言》《事业寓言》《财富寓言》《管理寓言》《销售寓言》等,每篇寓 言后均以“寓言者说”形式予以点评。从做人、成功、财富、管理等诸多方 面告诉你生活道理,使你可以轻松领悟到财富的真谛,学习获取财富的方法 ,把握好人生的财富;解答你的心灵困惑,督促你的阅读进度,养成读书的 好习惯。A Dirge for Princes (A Throne for Sisters—Book Fou
"Morgan Rice's imagination is limitless. In another series that promises to be as entertaining as the previous ones, A THRONE OF SISTERS presents us with the tale of two sisters (Sophia and Kate), orphans, fighting to survive in a cruel and demanding world of an orphanage. An instant success. I can hardly wait to put my hands on the second and third books!"--Books and Movie Reviews (Roberto Mattos)From #1 Bestseller Morgan Rice comes an unforgettable new fantasy series.In A DIRGE FOR PRINCES (A Throne for Sisters—Book Four), Sophia, 17, battles for her life, trying to recover from the wound left by Lady D'Angelica. Will her sister Kate's new powers be enough to bring her back?The ship sails with the sisters to the distant and exotic lands of their uncle, their last hope and only know connection to their parents. Yet the journey is treacherous, and even if they find it, the sisters don't know if their reception will be warm or hostile.