许昭十六岁那年,终于算计死了自己的父皇和大哥二哥四哥,荣登帝位,然而登基当天却被系统抽取灵魂,过上了每天被系统欺(tao)压(hao)的生活。#贫贱不移的老师:你借我的情,我一生来还。#威武不屈的和尚:唯你回首一眼,方知这是人间。#温柔乖巧的小叔子:哪怕众叛亲离,我,依旧不悔。 【男主同一人,1v1宠文,欢迎入坑。】A Skinful of Shadows
A Skinful of Shadows is a dark YA historical fantasy set in the early part of the English Civil War. Makepeace is an illegitimate daughter of the aristocratic Fellmotte family, and as such, she shares their unique hereditary gift: the capacity to be possessed by ghosts. Reluctant to accept her appointed destiny as vessel for a coterie of her ancestors, she escapes. As she flees the pursuing Fellmottes across war-torn England, she accumulates a motley crew of her own allies, including outcasts, misfits, criminals, and one extremely angry dead bear. From Costa Book of the Year winner Frances Hardinge comes a new dark historical fantasy that's sure to satisfy her leagues of fans who are eager for more. ?基金之神:乔治·索罗斯基金投资忠告
乔治·索罗斯拥有着资本领域里最多的头衔,有人说他是“金融奇才”、“金钱魔术师”、“资本的舵手”、“最伟大的慈善家”、“全球最佳基金经理”,无数投资者对他崇拜,着迷,唯马首是瞻;也有人说他是“金融大鳄”、“金融杀手”等。 索罗斯从一个侥幸躲过纳粹屠刀的匈牙利犹太儿童,到带着5000美元和离奇梦想闯荡华尔街的热血青年;从安侯公司的一个不合群的普通雇员,到创立量子基金、老虎基金, “世界上最伟大的投资经理人”;从步步为营的投资试验到一掷亿金的资本豪赌;从小心翼翼地研究一个公司,到周旋于最上层的政治家之间并雄心勃勃地挑战一个国家甚至国家集团,索罗斯经历无数的磨难和挫折——最终成为一个让世人瞠目结舌。