《孙子兵法》又名《孙子》《吴孙子兵法》,相传为春秋末年著名军事家孙武所著。该书总结春秋时期作战经验,揭示战争规律,对战争意义、治军方略、战略战术等多有创见,蕴含着丰富的辩证唯物主义思想,是我国最早且最有价值的军事理论著作,被誉为“兵经”、“百代谈兵之祖”。《三十六计》约成书于明清之际,作者佚名。全书按六计并为一套,共分六套。每计名称后的解说,均系依据《易经》中的阴阳变化之理及古代兵家刚柔、奇正、攻防、彼己、虚实、主客等对立关系相互转化的思想推演而成,含有朴素的军事辩证法思想。Target Churchill
As Great Britain and the United States celebrate a victorious end to WWII, Joseph Stalin's relentless Soviet Union is creeping across Eastern Europe leaving a trail of devastation and murder in its wake.Winston Churchill, the cigar-puffing icon of the British fighting spirit embarks on a crusade to lift the veil of secrecy that hangs over Stalin's mission. Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri sets the diplomatic stage upon which the world's political players grapple for supremacy as Churchill delivers his fated Iron Curtain speech on March 5th, 1946.Soviet operatives have infiltrated British and American governments at the highest level. As Churchill prepares to launch the Cold War, Stalin unleashes his trained mole, an American Nazi who served in Hitler's SS. His mission: Assassinate Winston Churchill.