她只是陪朋友去面试,结果朋友落选,她却被选上了。好吧……就算碰上这么狗血的事情也无所谓,但是,这可是代孕妈妈的面试!她完全不想中选!可谁知道,那个看上去温和稳重的男神,居然像是被下了降头一样,一直缠着她!“男神,我们不约不约!”她坚决拒绝。“为什么?”“我不喜欢你!”“正好,我喜欢你,我们互补了。”“我有男朋友了!”很快,他将渣男劈腿的照片扔到她的面前。她无奈,只好出绝招,“我要你名下的全部财产,还有你未来妻子的位置!”签好字的财产转让书递到了她的面前,他霸气的说道,“走吧,民政局。”Old Times
Old Times was first presented by the Royal Shakespeare Company at the Aldwych Theatre, London, on 1 June 1971. It was revived at the Donmar Warehouse, London, in July 2004.'Old Times is a joyous, wonderful play that people will talk about as long as we have a theatre.' New York Times' What am I writing about? Not the weasel under the cocktail cabinet … I can sum up none of my plays. I can describe none of them, except to say: that is what happened. This is what they said. That is what they did.' Harold Pinter