The Ginger Man
First published in Paris in 1955, and originally banned in the United States, J. P. Donleavy's first novel is now recognized the world over as a masterpiece and a modern classic of the highest order. Set in Ireland just after World War II, The Ginger Man is J. P. Donleavy's wildly funny, picaresque classic novel of the misadventures of Sebastian Dangerfield, a young American ne'er-do-well studying at Trinity College in Dublin. He barely has time for his studies and avoids bill collectors, makes love to almost anything in a skirt, and tries to survive without having to descend into the bottomless pit of steady work. Dangerfield's appetite for women, liquor, and general roguishness is insatiableand he satisfies it with endless charm.大魔神
大道之极,神通自成,仙神魔无高下。徐晋,一名曾经杀人无数的刺客在执行最后一趟刺杀任务之时,反遭同门暗算,死后阴魂坠入幽冥地府。在地府又遭欺压,奋起反抗,意外开通了阴阳两界的空间通道,从此穿梭两界,开始了曲折离奇的修真之路。阴魂修士无肉体,又如何在纯阳界生存?在纯阳界立住脚跟之后,又如何返回幽冥界去?意外沟通的阴阳两界,两界之间天然的优势互补和相互制衡,又能给他的修炼带来何种帮助?这一切,都有待徐晋自己一步一步去揭开。是成仙、成神还是正位天魔?全在一念之间!不信天上掉馅饼继《重生之衙内》之后,转入仙侠小说写作的一次尝试。馅饼将一如既往地发扬官场文严谨的写作风格,努力构筑一个前后呼应而又曲折离奇的仙侠故事。故事好不好看,不敢自夸,但更新必然稳定!QQ一群:105460631(已满)。QQ二群:107885964(招人中)。The Kennedy Years: From the Pages of The New York
The year 2013 is the 50th anniversary year of the assassination of John F. Kennedy, who still ranks as one of the top five presidents in every major annual survey. To commemorate the man and his time in office, the New York Times has authorized a book, edited by Richard Reeves, based on its unsurpassed coverage of the tumultuous Kennedy era. The Civil Rights Movement, the Bay of Pigs, the Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam, the space program, the Berlin Wall—all are covered in articles by the era's top reporters, among them David Halberstam, Russell Baker, and James Reston. Also included are new essays by leading historians such as Robert Dallek and Terry Golway, and by Times journalists, including Sam Tanenhaus, Scott Shane, Alessandra Stanley, and Roger Cohen. With more than 125 color and black-and-white photos, this is the ultimate volume on one of history's most fascinating figures.财务人员英语看这本就够