上一世的原小溪是一个笨姑娘。她与丈夫离心,被堂叔一家骗得团团转,最终公司破产,负债累累。这一世的原小溪承认自己是一个笨姑娘。她知道自己脑子慢,很多话入了耳朵,总要隔一会儿才能反应过来。不过既然重来一世,作为守业者的她,再也不愿意让家业像上一世那样全部败光。很多人都说,原小溪这人脑子不好使,命却挺好的。原小溪不过才二十岁,就已经是万里集团的董事长,山水集团的准董事长夫人。凭什么?说来说去,还不是因为她有个好爷爷。作为别人口中的人生赢家,原小溪也有自己的烦恼。美食街里,原小溪震惊地看着面前的男人,惊呼道:“杨小嵘,你头顶怎么有光?”杨嵘皱眉,“什么光?”原小溪用力拍桌,如实回答:“好大一片绿光!”杨嵘:“……”原小溪却脑袋一疼,忽然耳鸣。“滴滴滴,滴滴滴,警报!警报!周围能量场异常,发现疑似异能者,滴滴滴,系统自动抽检中,滴滴滴,系统故障,系统重启中……滴滴滴,系统能量不足……”Station Island
The title poem from this collection is set on an island that has been a site of pilgrimage in Ireland for over a thousand years. A narrative sequence, it is an autobiographical quest concerned with 'the growth of a poet's mind'. The long poem is preceded by a section of shorter lyrics and leads into a third group of poems in which the poet's voice is at one with the voice of the legendary mad King Sweeney. 'Surpasses even what one might reasonably expect from this magnificently gifted poet.' John Carey, Sunday Times