一个企业在遭到重创后,能够起死回生,这本身就是一个了不起的奇迹。杜邦、福特、克莱斯勒、IBM、苹果电脑、雀巢……哪一个不是声名赫赫?哪一个企业的辉煌不让你热血沸腾?哪一个遭遇的重创不让人扼腕叹息?哪一个翻身而起,重掌大旗又不得不让人由衷敬佩?本书不是一本单单描述“失败在逆转又成功”的书。它是一本告诉你“为什么失败,怎么样逆转,又如何成功”的书。本书所写到的这些企业都是当今最知名、最有影响力的企业.他们的跌宕起伏都是最经典的翻盘案例。Fish in the Water
Mario Vargas Llosa's A Fish in the Water is a twofold book: a memoir by one of Latin America's most celebrated writers, beginning with his birth in 1936 in Arequipa, Peru; and the story of his organization of the reform movement which culminated in his bid for the Peruvian presidency in 1990. Llosa evokes the experiences which gave rise to his fiction, and describes the social, literary, and political influences that led him to enter the political arena as a crusader for a free-market economy. A deeply absorbing look at how fact becomes fiction and at the formation of a courageous writer with strong political commitments, A Fish in the Water reveals Mario Vargas Llosa as a world figure whose real story is just beginning.