【全文免费】军训迟到,程可可成了焦点,从此莫名其妙的被万人迷校草缠上。变成女同学羡慕嫉妒恨的对象就算了,还经常被好闺蜜坑?这让性格内向的她无语凝噎。 一天,任性不羁的校草大人自作主张的宣布:“程可可,以后咱们就是朋友了。”又有一天,冷酷迷人的校草大人扫视众人,霸气十足道:“可可,以后有我罩着你,谁敢欺负你试试?”然而,校草大人也有撒娇卖萌的一面:“可可,我知道你最好了,一定不会见死不救的,对不对?”她勾唇一笑,反握住他的手,“宸宸,这次换我带你装逼带你飞!”甜宠文,还有外星萌宠来助阵哦!Zodiac
Zodiac, the brilliant second novel from the New York Times bestselling author of the The Baroque Cycle and Snow Crash, is now available from Grove Press. Meet Sangamon Taylor, a New Age Sam Spade who sports a wet suit instead of a trench coat and prefers Jolt from the can to Scotch on the rocks. He knows about chemical sludge the way he knows about evilall too intimately. And the toxic trail he follows leads to some high and foul places. Before long Taylor's house is bombed, his every move followed, he's adopted by reservation Indians, moves onto the FBI's most wanted list, makes up with his girlfriend, and plays a starring role in the near-assassination of a presidential candidate. Closing the case with the aid of his burnout roommate, his tofu-eating comrades, three major networks, and a range of unconventional weaponry, Sangamon Taylor pulls off the most startling caper in Boston Harbor since the Tea Party.