印第安人是对除爱斯基摩人外的所有美洲原住民的总称,在美洲的印第安人留下了相当高的古代文明。他们培育了玉米、马铃薯,建造了高大的神庙,留下了在今天难以解释的文字,形成一种独特的印第安文明。本书从印第安文明的发祥、中美洲的印第安文明、南美洲的印第安文明三个方面来详细介绍印第安文明。Earth Apples
While best known for his fiction, Edward Abbey was also an enthusiastic creator of verse. Earth Apples, Abbey's first and only collection of poetry, adds to his literary reputation as an irreverent writer. Whether writing about vast desert landscapes, New York City, or a love of bawdy women, Abbey's verse is eloquent and unapologetically passionate. The poems gathered here, published digitally for the first time, are culled from Abbey's journals and give an insightful and unique glance into the mind of this literary legend.