一朝时空交错,21世纪杀手破空入府,俾睨天下。苍生万物,宛若蝼蚁,唯有她高悬其上,主宰一切。陋颜废柴如何?她自是上斗姨娘下斥庶妹,横眉冷对千夫指。刀尖舔血又如何?她也能左拥魔众右养暗兵,凭孤胆势不可挡。就算命贱如蒲草,她也誓要缠毁一个盛世王朝!King Jesus
In Graves' unique retelling of his life, Jesus is very much a mortal, and the grandson of King Herod the Great. When his father runs afoul of the King's temper and is executed, Jesus is raised in the house of Joseph the Carpenter. The kingdom he is heir to, in this version of the story, is very much a terrestrial one: the Kingdom of Judea. Graves tells of Jesus' rise as a philosopher, scriptural scholar, and charismatic speaker in sharp detail, as well as his arrest and downfall as a victim of pitiless Roman politics.昆虫记:松毛虫的行进行列(第6卷)