本书是《马瑞芳趣话红楼梦》的延续,在这部作品中马教授以诙谐而幽默、生动而有趣味的讲述,解析了《红楼梦》中宝黛以外的至关重要的人物——王熙凤身上所潜隐的方方面面,充分显示了马教授深厚的古典文学根底和精湛的红学研究造诣。作品通过对王熙凤的全新解读,一方面是从围绕凤姐的故事及人物活动之蛛丝马迹中,探察、体会人物的性格特点和真实想法;还有另一方面是探询、揣摩文本内外曹雪芹的艺术构思和创作意图。本书既是一部对王熙凤全面解密、解读、解析的美文,又是一部带有探索、悬疑意味的开放式文本;既是严谨的红学研究学术著作,同时也是一部通俗易懂的轻松风趣的学术随笔;既有学术价值,又具有可读性。Strangers May Marry
Laura had raised Mandy as her own ever since she found her homeless on the street. She loves the child as a daughter. But the authorities are threatening to take the child into custody, and Laura has no legal claim to keep her--and very few choices.Until she meets handsome, domineering Paul Penalis. He can help Laura keep custody of Mandy--but his help comes at a price. Can Laura pay it--and will she wind up losing her heart in the bargain?