经济法是我国社会主义法律体系中的重要组成部分,是一门独立的部门法。经济法是国家对社会的经济活动实行宏观调控与管理的重要工具,是国家机关、企事业单位、各种社会经济组织以及公民个人在社会经济活动中的行为准则。Getting There
The path to success is rarely easy or direct, and good mentors are hard to find. In Getting There, thirty leaders in diverse fields share their secrets to navigating the rocky road to the top. In an honest, direct, and engaging way, these role models describe the obstacles they faced, the setbacks they endured, and the vital lessons they learned. They dispense not only essential and practical career advice, but also priceless wisdom applicable to life in general. Getting There is for everyone—from students contemplating their futures to the vast majority of us facing challenges or seeking to reach our potential.得克萨斯州大庆