本书用亦雅亦俗、亦庄亦谐的写作方式,以丰富多样、真实鲜活的取材,深入浅出地为读者梳理了影响中国历史的终极法则,揭示了众多的历史性规律;论述了这些规律的由来、内容及作用方式,进而指出其产生的原因在于现实的趋利避害。同时探讨了不同朝代权力博弈的利害逻辑、各阶层的角力手段、官家权力结构的制衡策略等主题,连贯起来就拼接为中国历史以及社会的生存智慧。作者文字犀利,鞭辟入里,体现了对历史与现实的睿智与敏感;力求让读者花最少的时间和精力洞穿历史的内核,看清历史的本质与真相!揭开层层迷雾,剖解人性的幽暗与光辉!A Topps League Story
Chad's got the summertime blues: his parents want him to be home by midnight (no extra innings) and eat healthier (no corn dogs). His friend, Abby, has bobblehead issues. And then there's pinch hitter Sammy Solaris. But Sammy has problems of his own. He has a big swing but is too slow. If he can't speed up his running and stealing, he'll be off the team. There's got to be something Chad can do to save the day … with a little help from Dylan, a baseball card, and that porcupine!