张海君编著的《自信心·一个微笑的价值》是一本讲述自信心的文集,这些精巧富有哲理的故事能让对自己没有信心内心昏暗的人重新找回对生活还有理想的自信。成功的人,不一定多么天才,但是他们都相信自己。其实很多时候,你也可以告诉自己,我可以。When Love Comes
When beautiful, glamorous fashion buyer Janis Morton goes on a cruise, she's looking forward to sun, fun, and a little harmless flirtation. And when she meets Clive Trent, the gorgeous son of a well-known French fashion designer, she's sure she's found what she's looking for.So is Trent--but he's looking for something entirely different. To escape an arranged marriage, Clive has a plan: marry the first girl he meets on the cruise. Will Janis go along with his wild scheme--without losing her heart in the process?