Molloy is Samuel Beckett's best-known novel, and his first published work to be written in French, ushering in a period of concentrated creativity in the late 1940s which included the companion novels Malone Dies and The Unnamable. The narrative of Molloy, old and ill, remembering and forgetting, scarcely human, begets a parallel tale of the spinsterish Moran, a private detective sent in search of him, whose own deterioration during the quest joins in with the catalogue of Molloy's woes. Molloy brings a world into existence with finicking certainties, at the tip of whoever is holding the pencil, and trades larger uncertainties with the reader. Then I went back into the house and wrote, It is midnight. The rain is beating on the windows. It was not midnight. It was not raining.青少年应该知道的风筝(阅读中华国粹)
中华民族在漫长的发展历程中,依靠勤劳的素质和智慧的力量,创造了 灿烂的文化,从文学到艺术,从技艺到科学,创造出数不尽的文明成果。国粹具有鲜明的民族特色,显示出中华民族独特的艺术渊源以及技艺发展轨迹 ,这些都是民族智慧的结晶。《阅读中华国粹》丛书囊括占今,泛揽百科,不仅有相当的学术资料含量,而且有吸引人的艺术创作风味,是中华传统文 化的经典之作。杨晓编著的这本《青少年应该知道的风筝》就是其中一册。《青少年应该知道的风筝》共分七章,内容包括:风筝的历史、制作、 放飞、流派、名家名品、体育竞技、民俗文化等。