本书作者从2~3岁宝宝的身心发展特点出发,为家长揭示孩子行为背后的心理,让家长轻松掌握简单易行的解决方法。作者还创编了50多个朗朗上口的、极易操作的亲子儿歌互动游戏,将宝宝的运动能力、精细动作能力、交往能力、认知能力、言语能力等方面的发展融入游戏中,使宝宝在快乐游戏的同时获得全方位的发展。本书既是家长的家庭教育指导书,又是早教从业人员的工具书。Been There, Run That
"This is what I want for entrepreneurs, especially for women: to believe in themselves, to dream bigger, reach higher, and to achieve success beyond their wildest expectations." —Kay KoplovitzBeen There, Run That is an anthology of blog posts by thought leaders in technology, media, e-commerce and life sciences, curated by Kay Koplovitz, founder of USA Network and chairman of Springboard Enterprises.In 2000, Koplovitz co-founded Springboard as an accelerator for an expert network of women entrepreneurs. In their first six months, Springboard companies raised over $165 million in total funding, and nearly $200 million in their first year.校园灾害危险预防管理与教育