全书分为5个章节,分别为:果树病虫害防治基础知识、葡萄侵染性的识别与防治、葡萄非侵染性的识别与防治、葡萄虫害的识别与防治,农药使用规则。囊括了葡萄病虫害56种,其中病害45种,虫害11种。书中彩图123幅,所列病虫病原尽可能按新的分类系统核实订正学名。Death by Rock 'n' Roll
(A 90-page True Crime Short with photographs) On April 1, 1984, Marvin Gaye--one of the world's most beloved singers--was gunned down by his own father. A generation later, fans still puzzle over how it could be that a man who crooned about peace, love, and understanding could possibly meet with such a violent end--and from his own flesh and blood. Yet the history of popular music is written in blood.