解放军这个伟大的团队,孕育着伟大的精神和气质。何为解放军精神?简而言之,解放军精神就是“政治合格,军事过硬,作风优良,纪律严明,保障有力”。在本书里,作者结合企业管理的理论和实践,归纳总结出了我们应该学习的解放军精神的九种内容。On Islam
At the beginning of the twentieth century, famed theologian Abraham Kuyper toured the Mediterranean world and encountered Islam for the first wkkk.net travelogue, part cultural critique, On Islam presents a European imperialist seeing firsthand the damage colonialism had caused and the value of a religion he had never truly understood. Here, Kuyper's doctrine of common grace shines as he displays a nuanced and respectful understanding of the Muslim world. Though an ardent Calvinist, Kuyper still knew that God's grace is expressed to unbelievers. Kuyper saw Islam as a culture and religion with much to offer the West, but also as a threat to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Here he expresses a balanced view of early twentieth-century Islam that demands attention from the majority world today as well. Essays by prominent scholars bookend the volume, showing the relevance of these teachings in our time.