未来的世界,是凶兽与感染者横行的世界。唯一能够与其对抗的不是核弹,而是人类中的进化者。 一次意外,林锋来到三十三年后。与他随行的还有一枚储存了超级进化资料的科技芯片。 “劈空手,裂天拳,无畏狮子印,高达,变形金刚,自爆机器人,开天斧,万魔剑,北斗七星阵,太上凝元丹,九转炼胎丸,隐身符……” “等等等等,你这乱七八糟说的些什么呀?” “奖励啊。” “什么奖励?” “超级进化的奖励啊。这可是来自天界的东西。” “其中包含绝世神兵,高科技装备,超级武学秘籍,异能天赋,进化药剂以及神话物品六大分类。” “仙人养成计划听说过没有?……神马?没有?好吧,告诉你,你已经被选中了,只要按照要求完成任务,早晚有一天让你进化成仙人。”
夏侯良玉只有一个愿望,把十公主慕容锦睡了,顺带给他生一窝小小锦或者小小良玉。怎奈,慕容锦只爱玥国大将魏沅,还总想让他去死。成亲前,慕容锦一直以为夏侯神医是个温润如玉的谦谦公子。成亲后,她看到他就腿软腰疼。……对你的占有欲难以忍耐,将你拥入怀里的渴望无法遏制,他高站权欲巅峰,只为她执迷不悔。New and Selected Poems
This volume contains a selection of work from each of Seamus Heaney's published books of poetry up to and including the Whitbread prize-winning collection, "e;The Haw Lantern"e; (1987). 'His is 'close-up' poetry - close up to thought, to the world, to the emotions. Few writers at work today, in verse or fiction, can give the sense of rich, fecund, lived life that Heaney does' - John Banville. 'More than any other poet since Wordsworth he can make us understand that the outside world is not outside, but what we are made of' - John Carey.